Directory of Online Geology Presentations
Below is a list of online geology-related presentations currently on the internet.
Please contact us if you have a presentation that you'd like added to our directory, or find a link below that is no-longer in operation.
Please contact us if you have a presentation that you'd like added to our directory, or find a link below that is no-longer in operation.
Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Fossils - What is a fossil? General Information [video]
Cambrian Explosion - "Goldilocks and the origin of animals: insights from the far north"; Paul Smith; University of Oxford [video]
Dave Gibson's Mexican Amber - Educational information regarding where amber comes from, the differences between copal and amber, and highlights on mexican amber including inclusions.
Exceptionally Preserved Cambrian and Silurian Fossils - "Exceptionally preserved fossils: Windows on the Evolution of Life" - Cambrian fossils from China and Silurian fossils from the Welsh Borderland (England); 3-dimentional Silurian fossil reconstructions - David Siveter; University of Leicester [video]
Flooding Evidence from Fossil Plants of the Mazon Creek, Illinois - "Antediluvian Phytology: Illustrated by A Collection of the Fossil Remains of Plants, Peculiar to the Coal Formation of Mazon Creek" 2009 Presentation by Jack M. Wittry - ESCONI [presentation]
Fossil Preparation Series: Preparing a Trilobite - Use of micro sandblasting and air scribe [video]
Fossil Succession to Date Rocks - relative dating using index fossils, using fossils to correlate strata and fossil succession - Education Portal; April Koch [video]
Household - nice page with a multitude of links covering topics such as geology basic information, rock collecting suggestions, storage and display of collections and other useful links.
How Fossils Are Formed (for kids) - General Information [video]
How Amber Forms - BBC Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives Series [video]
Precambrian Fossil Record - "Darwin's Dilemma: The First Four Billion Years of Life on Earth" - Alexander Glass, Central Washington University [video]
Principles of Paleobiology - nature of fossils, evolutionary trends, origination and extinction - Laurel Collins; Florida International University [powerpoint presentations]
Quantitative Paleontology - application of quantitative analysis to paleontology; diversity through time, diversity in space, analysis of morphological disparity and reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships - P. David Polly; Indiana University - Bloomington [powerpoint presentations]
The Mazon Creek Tullimonstrum gregarium (Tully Monster) - General information about the famous Tully Monster - The Field Revealed;Paul Mayer [video]
Causes of Plate Tectonic Movement - General theory of plate tectonics including thermal convection, ridge push and slab pull. - Education Portal; Peter Jaeger [video]
Metal Hardness Scale - Nice list organizing the hardness and properties of metals. - Alan's Factory Outlet Metal Hardness Scale - A Chart of the Mohs Scale of Hardness (
The Geologic Time Scale - Major Eons, Eras, Periods and Epochs. - Education Portal; April Koch [video] Interactive Activities & Ideas for Kids to Dive into Earth Science and Geology - Great list of resources, activities and links for kids to learn about Earth Science and Geology - by Sarah Perowne 2/6/2024
The Meteorite Exchange - Paul Harris & Jim Tobin; general information on meteorites along with specifics on Chelyabinsk, Fukang, Gibeon, Hoba and Willamette.
Beyond 4 C's - website with great information on the identification and purchasing of diamonds and other gemstones. Paul Gian.
Free Online Gemology Courses and Information - list provided by the website Beyond 4 C's - The Real Insights to Buying Diamonds by Paul Gian.
How are Diamonds Made and Formed - discusses the natural formation of diamonds as well as the current man made processes. Great automated infographic at the end of the article. Paul Gian.
A Kid's Guide to Identifying Popular Gemstones Used in Jewelry - good description of popular gemstones for kids. By briteco. Author Dustin Lemick October 18, 2023. A Kid's Guide to Identifying Popular Gemstones Used in Jewelry - BriteCo